Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Swallow Tail Butterfly Attracted by Plant

This gorgeous Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly landed on the lantana plant in my backyard. The lantana plant is not a native California plant, but it attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. That is why I planted it. I also planted a willow bush because butterflies like to lay their eggs on willow branches. You can put plant around your home that will attract birds and butterflies.

The swallowtail pollinates flowers like as the hummingbird does. It drinks nectar from the flower. When it does this, pollen grains stick to its feet and face. Then when the butterfly flies to another flower, the pollen grains fall off into the new flower and make a seed grow.

The butterfly has on its head an amazing device called a proboscis (pro-bahs-kiss). It acts like a curled up drinking straw. The proboscis uncurls into the flower. Sweet nectar gets sucked up into it the proboscis. The swallowtail needs the plant for food, and the plant needs the swallowtail for pollination.

What butterflies have you seen around your school or around your home? Maybe you could buy one or two plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. You can put them in a pot, or plant them in soil. Ask the garden center salesperson what would be good to plant. You might have some new little friends at your front door every morning!

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